
Sunday 2 February 2014

Mornings in a Rush

Like most of the teenage population, my mornings are usually a combination of zombie-like grouchiness towards the person who woke me up, along with an 'I don't have time' mentality towards my hair and makeup. I'm definitely not someone who bothers with makeup for school, since I am perfectly comfortable with myself without the makeup, I only wear it because I enjoy it. My hair on the other hand, because it is naturally very curly, takes some quick morning taming. 
For my skin, my usual morning routine is just to wash my face with my Clarins shea butter Foaming Cleanser and apply a layer of Ahava Daytime Moisturiser. These products are great for those rushed mornings because they are quick, easy and very refreshing, especially on my usual 6 hours sleep. I will be doing a full skincare routine in the future, but with half an hour to get ready I don't really have time to faff around with hundreds of different products, so instead, I like to stick with my basic products to maintain a clean complexion.

As I previously mentioned, my hair can be quite unruly, particularly after I've slept on it. It can become quite flat and frizzy so I generally like to put my hair up in a thick messy bun, and I've mastered a few tricks to keep the bun looking presentable and keeping the volume I like to maintain when I do my hair.
The first thing I normally do it apply this Big Volume Powder from a brand called 'Pretty' to the roots of my hair. I recently discovered this product and I love it! I found that it is great to keep my hair looking, and feeling think and full of volume. After applying this product, my hair is definitely noticeably thicker which makes for a great messy bun. This product also saves me from teasing my hair, which can cause a lot of damage adds to the natural frizz my hair already has, so using a thickening product, like this one, in place of teasing and backcombing your hair is something I would definitely recommend.

Now that my hair is thick and full of volume, I'll throw it up into a bun, which honestly looks different every time I do it. Your best bet is to grab all the hair into a high ponytail, before pushing all the hair into a 'bun shape' on top of your head. The next step is fairly self-explanatory and I tend to just pull pieces out, loosen the bun and mess with it until I'm happy with it - grips can also be quite helpful with this step. I like to keep my bun looking quite full and low maintenance to contribute to the effortless look I aim for with my overall style.

If I do chose to/have time to apply some makeup I tend to just apply a few coats of mascara to open my eyes out and therefore making me look more awake and apply a small amount of BB cream under my eyes, around my nose and on my forehead and nose - just to cancel out any discoloration I may have. On the whole I have quite clear skin, so that step is not a necessity for me, personally.
Because this is just a quick taste of my rushed weekday mornings, I will definitely be doing an extended version of my morning routine on the weekends, but I just thought I'd share with you some things I do to start my school day off more smoothly.